As a signature face of the campus, this five-story 65,000 GSF STEM facility provides state-of-the art labs for chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, cyber security, and alternative energy at this growing commuter college.
Building upon the college’s educational philosophy, the building does not just passively house daily activities—but acts to stimulate, challenge and enhance the students’ learning experience. Incorporating sustainable math, science and technology features into the building and landscape where students can learn, touch and collect data, the STEM building stands as a showcase for the college and as a steward of the environment for the entire community it serves.
Hagerstown Community College
Hagerstown, Maryland
Built on and into a challenging and steeply sloped hillside, this new building connects and transitions students up from student parking to a mid-level entry and on to the main campus quad. Along the way, all students are exposed to an array of scientific incidents both inside and outside.
View Project Gallery
Science on display
Demonstration PV panels, geothermal wells and wind turbines are connected to the alternative energy lab which displays telemetry on flat panel displays in the lounge.
Green roof with PV panels is accessible so students can track sun, collect data and exchange panels from various manufacturers.
Rainwater harvesting tanks are visible from both 3rd and 4th floor corridors.
Overflow drains direct water to planted areas and are not tied into the public storm drains.
This building makes a grand statement in the importance regarding STEM careers as we think about new century jobs in Western Maryland and across the country.
Guy Altieri, HCC President
Learning spaces foster collaboration
LED constellation mapping connected to PV panels provides security while following dark sky principles - Cancer = ground breaking while Aquarius = ribbon cutting.
Intensity of lab equipment and services serves as the vertical organizing principle, with the most intensive labs located on the fifth floor grading down to the least intensive on the first.
Fume hoods are located at fifth floor for efficient connection to rooftop equipment.
Mobile tables and chairs can easily be reorganized from lecture style to problem-based group learning arrangment.
Lab services at perimeter allow for flexibility in teaching configurations.