This project uses the innovative power of the arts and education as a contributor to new life in a historic downtown area. A new arts school was created out of an early 20th century fraternal lodge and movie theater. The main entrance and student art gallery are located at the first floor level. Key historic spaces and other interior details are preserved to maintain the historic character of the building. Full building scope includes an addition at the back and on the roof to accommodate theater, dance, music, drawing, painting, sculpture, and ceramics education facilities.
Washington County Public Schools
Hagerstown, Maryland
Historic Renovation
View Project Gallery
Arts education program elements
Dance studio was created out of the historic Elks Lodge meeting room, retaining the historic fabric while inserting new programmatic elements.
New study lounge was carved out of the lower level, capturing daylight from the streetside lobby above.
Black box theater occupies the expanded lower level and connects the front and rear of the school.
Rear addition provides secondary entry and expresses the different programmatic elements through color and detail.
Preserving original character
Street front facade was repaired and preserved, missing windows were replaced and a new sign was added to increase visibility.
The main historic stair was preserved and is the primary means of travel for students.